What is wisdom tooth extraction? What Should Be Considered?

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Wisdom tooth extraction is a treatment method that is usually used as a necessary intervention for the health, function or aesthetics of the tooth. However, in some cases, more than one tooth may need to be extracted at the same time. Teeth can be extracted due to health problems, aesthetic or functional disorders.

What is a wisdom tooth?

Wisdom teeth, popularly known as “wisdom teeth” or “wisdom teeth”, are the teeth located at the back of the jaw. They usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25 and there are four in each jaw. Wisdom teeth are a feature that dates back to the evolutionary history of humans; our ancestors needed them to chew harder foods. Today, however, wisdom teeth can often lead to problems such as lack of space in the mouth, infections in the gums or cavities. Therefore, wisdom teeth extraction is a common treatment in modern dentistry. The process and shape of wisdom teeth may vary from person to person, sometimes these teeth may remain impacted or may not erupt completely.

Why is it necessary to extract a wisdom tooth?

Wisdom teeth may need to be extracted due to various health problems or conditions. Because these teeth are usually located at the very back of the mouth and usually grow according to the jaw structure, they sometimes interfere with normal tooth development. Also, because they do not erupt properly, they can threaten dental health. Here are some common reasons for wisdom tooth extraction:

  • Impacted teeth: Wisdom teeth can sometimes remain embedded in the jawbone and never erupt. This can increase the risk of infection and damage surrounding teeth.
  • Pain and discomfort: Wisdom teeth can sometimes cause severe pain and discomfort. Especially when the tooth presses on the surrounding tissues as it tries to erupt, it can cause constant pain and discomfort.
  • Risk of infection: The fact that the wisdom tooth is partially impacted can cause bacteria to accumulate in this area and cause infections. These infections can spread to surrounding tissues and cause serious health problems.
  • Cavities: Since wisdom teeth are usually in the back area, they can be difficult to clean. Therefore, cavities are more common and, left untreated, the tooth may need to be extracted.
  • Space constraints: Wisdom teeth can get stuck in the back of the mouth due to poor jaw structure. This can affect the position of other teeth and cause alignment problems.
  • Jaw problems: Wisdom teeth erupting in the wrong position can lead to jaw problems. This can make chewing difficult and cause jaw

How long does it take to extract a wisdom tooth?

The time it takes to extract a wisdom tooth varies depending on the tooth’s location and state of health. Normally, the extraction of a wisdom tooth can take about 20-30 minutes. However, if the tooth is impacted or in a difficult position, this time may be longer and may require a more complex surgical intervention. Since extracting impacted teeth involves removing the roots of the tooth, which go deeper into the jawbone, the procedure may take longer. Also, if there is a risk of complications or infection, this can also affect the procedure time. No pain is felt during the extraction using local anesthesia, but the healing process and follow-up treatment after the procedure can also take time.

What are the Advantages of Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Extraction of wisdom teeth can be an important step in protecting oral and dental health. Removing wisdom teeth, especially those that are impacted or damaging the surrounding teeth, prevents serious problems that may occur in the future. This procedure not only relieves existing discomfort, but also ensures proper alignment of the teeth and a healthier balance in the mouth. Here are the advantages of wisdom tooth extraction:

  • Prevention of Pain and Infection: Decayed or impacted wisdom teeth often cause pain and gum infections.
  • Protection of Surrounding Teeth: Crooked wisdom teeth can put pressure on the surrounding teeth and cause damage to them.
  • Reduction of Orthodontic Problems: Removing wisdom teeth that cause space constriction in the jaw structure reduces the risk of crowding in the teeth.
  • Facilitation of Oral Hygiene: The difficult position of wisdom teeth increases the risk of caries by making brushing and cleaning difficult.
  • Prevention of Gum Diseases: Unerupted or partially erupted wisdom teeth can lead to gingivitis.
  • Long-term Dental Health: After extraction, the mouth has a more balanced and healthy structure, which leads to better dental health in the long term.

What should be considered after wisdom tooth extraction?

To speed up the healing process and minimize the risk of complications after wisdom tooth extraction, some important points should be considered. Avoid touching the extraction site and rinsing the mouth for the first 24 hours, as this may dislodge the blood clot and lead to the development of dry socket (alveolitis). An ice compress can be applied externally to reduce swelling after extraction. It is also important to eat soft and warm foods and avoid hard and hot foods for a few days. Smoking and alcohol consumption is not recommended as it may negatively affect the healing process. The medications prescribed by the physician should be used regularly and the prescription should be followed. If excessive pain, swelling or bleeding persists, consult a physician immediately.

What are the Risks and Complications that may occur with wisdom tooth extraction?

Although wisdom tooth extraction is usually a mandatory procedure for oral health, it may involve some risks and complications. The most common risks include infection, bleeding at the extraction site and damage to surrounding tissues. In some cases, nerve damage can occur, leading to temporary or permanent numbness of the lips, tongue or jaw. In addition, a rare condition called dry socket (alveolitis) may develop after extraction. This is a painful complication that occurs when the blood clot at the extraction site disappears, leaving the bone exposed. Discussing the risks in detail with your doctor before the extraction will make you more aware of the process.

What are the Disadvantages of Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

The disadvantages of wisdom tooth extraction are usually associated with temporary discomfort and some risks that may be experienced after the procedure. Common problems after extraction include pain, swelling, bleeding and difficulty eating during the healing process. There may also be rare complications such as infection, nerve damage or damage to the jawbone. Especially in the case of surgical removal of impacted teeth, the healing process can be longer and more laborious. After tooth extraction, painful conditions such as dry socket (alveolitis) can develop if care is not taken. However, the vast majority of these disadvantages can be managed with appropriate treatment and care.

20 Frequently Asked Questions About Tooth Extraction

Extraction of a wisdom tooth is usually a painless procedure because local anesthesia is applied during the procedure. This anesthesia numbs the tooth and the surrounding area, preventing the sensation of pain. However, some people may experience mild pain, swelling or discomfort after the extraction.

The healing process after wisdom tooth extraction usually takes a few days to a few weeks. Swelling and bruising may occur in the first 24 hours, this is normal. A blood clot is expected to form at the extraction site and it is important for healing that this clot does not move

Extraction of impacted wisdom teeth can often be a more complex and difficult procedure. An impacted tooth is a tooth that has not fully erupted within the jawbone or under the gum. In this case, a surgical procedure may be required to extract the tooth.

There is a risk of infection after wisdom tooth extraction, but this risk can be minimized with proper care and hygiene. Tooth extraction, especially in the case of impacted teeth that require surgical intervention, creates a wound in the mouth. This open space can provide an opportunity for bacteria to multiply.

Wisdom tooth extraction may involve some risks, but these risks are rare. The procedure becomes more complicated, especially for impacted or displaced wisdom teeth, which can lead to some complications.

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